The first thing that anyone thinks about when it comes to fortune-tellers is a Romani woman (also sometimes pejoratively labeled "Gypsy") doing a palm reading or using tarot cards or the crystal ball. The image we have from movies of a carnival tent that people enter to have their fortune read is a permanent staple of popular culture.
The reputation of Roma women’s spirituality and ability for prophecy has roots in generations of practitioners. It is a life calling for some "Gypsies" as they help non-Gypsy clients—called “gadji” in Romani—navigate their future, hope for the best, or prepare for the worst.
To help you understand the connection between Romani women and fortune-telling, we prepared a short overview of the culture and history behind the phenomenon, as well as a list of reasons why you should consider getting your fortune read by a Romani fortune-teller.
If you are interested in getting an authentic Romani reading, we at offer the services of several experienced and knowledgeable mediums with this background. Please take a look at our website and book a free reading with a psychic of your choice as you explore the rest of our premium services.
Who are Roma, or Gypsies?

Romani with their wagon, photographed in the Rheinland of Germany in 1935. (Image credit: Bundesarchiv, Bild 183-J0525-0500-003 / CC-BY-SA, distributed under a Creative Commons license (German Federal Archives))
Gypsy is a slang term that outsiders have long used as a label for the Romani or Roma people. The Romani are a group of nomadic tribes tracing back in origin to Northwestern India, which they left to begin spreading across Europe in the 6th century. The cause of this ethnic group's mass migration from India is unknown, but the most likely answer is that an extensive foreign invasion triggered the exodus.
Romani people continued their migration well into modern times. Collectively, they form Europe's largest ethnic minority, where they live as victims of prejudice and often in poverty in large European cities. Some European countries, like Hungary and Bulgaria, have rural villages populated predominantly by Roma.
Besides having significant populations in most European countries, for an estimated total population of 10 to 12 million in Europe, many Romani have migrated across the Atlantic to reach the Americas. Some scholars estimate a population of about one million Romani in the U.S. and nearly as many in Brazil
Most Romani people share the same language and culture, regardless of the place they are living. This ability to maintain a culture over 1500 years is particularly impressive since the Roma do not have their own country or an institutionalized form of religion to lean back on. Additionally, all of their cultural heritage has been transmitted orally across the generations and forms part of the Romani upbringing. Roma communities have a reputation for being close-knit and maintaining their cultural distinctiveness rather than assimilating into the mainstream culture in which they reside.
Due to their outsider status and unique lifestyle that does not conform to modern Western societies' standards, Roma people are often the subject of discrimination or undue criticism. In fact, along with the Jewish people, the Roma and related group the Sinti were among the ethnic targets of Hitler's ethnic cleansing, and he put them in concentration camps during the Holocaust in mid-20th century Europe. Approximately 1.5 million Roma died in Hitler's gas chambers.
Still, the resilience and bravery of the Romani people have protected their cultural and spiritual heritage over many centuries. The influence of that heritage is visible in almost all countries where Roma have significant numbers.
Romani people excel in music and dance, and they’ve left their influence on both folk and classical music, especially in Eastern Europe. Their music, such as Flamenco in Spain, has become mainstream. The Roma’s incredible passion and joy for life are famous since they try to live every day as it was their last one.
Roma and Spirituality
The cultural and spiritual identity of the Roma people have direct ties to their way of life. Romani culture is, at the same time, both very inclusive and exclusive. Roma people believe that it is essential to stay true to their traditional way of life and culture, considering bringing outsiders into their culture to be a negative.
Due to their ancient way of life and culture, traditional spiritual beliefs and associated rituals remain strong and play an essential role in the Romani people's lives. Living a Roma life means following the unwritten rules of Roma society to maintain a pure life. Romani people believe that straying away from those rules will result in the disintegration and disappearance of the Roma culture.
The Roma do not all practice the same religion. Their original faith was most likely Hindu while in India, but those who have settled in various countries have often adopted the religions prevalent in those areas, such as Muslim and varying forms of Christianity, including Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholicism. For this reason, most of the Romani folk beliefs and spiritual concepts are non-religious but rather something closely connected to their way of life.
Traditional folk superstitions and spiritual practices such as divination and fortune-telling have been prevalent in the interactions between Roma women and the non-Roma population. Roma fortune-tellers, called "drabardis," have deep, centuries-old roots in Europe and were famed in the Middle Ages. However, the Roma do not practice this spiritual gift upon members of their own culture. Romani women also believe that they should not share the secrets of these practices with outsiders, which is one of the reasons why such practices are alive and well today.
What is Fortune-Telling?
Fortune-telling is a form of divination. It involves a gifted person (a medium or psychic) reading the signs for a person and finding clues about the outcome of future events. Fortune-telling is an ancient ritual that often involves reading palms or using objects and artifacts, such as tea leaves, that they believe have special powers.
The most popular types of fortune-telling are reading signs (such as palms, crystals, stones and tea leaves), Yes-or-No fortune-telling, and quiz-type fortune-telling. Classically, fortune-telling sessions often involve palm reading or astromancy, which is reading the stars' position to gain insight into the future. Yes-or-No fortune-telling puts the client at the center of the process as they ask a series of close-ended questions and wait to receive a yes or no answer. On the other hand, quiz-type readings focus on the medium, who asks a series of questions and delivers the reading afterward.
Fortune-telling cannot predict the future to the smallest details, but it can provide an insight into future events that will most likely occur, along with some signs that a person should pay attention to. Experienced psychics and mediums will also provide detailed guidance and advice on approaching these events and preparing for them.
Psychics use many objects and artifacts in fortune-telling sessions, such as:
- Tarot and regular cards
- Tea leaves
- Crystals and crystal balls
- Pendulums
- Precious and semi-precious stones
- Runes
What to Expect from a Fortune-Telling Session

After booking a real-life or an online appointment with a Roma psychic, you should prepare for the session. At the beginning of the session, you will discuss why you are there and what you expect to gain from the session. Be sure to manage your expectations and be honest about your central issue.
The medium will then suggest the ideal method for the reading and give you instructions to follow during the session. It's important to follow them closely and keep an open mind as the ritual begins. The actual process will usually consist of a series of questions, and then the medium will deliver her reading. The medium will also provide some advice and guidance on interpreting the reading and what course of action you should take.
All psychics believe in the fluid nature of destiny and also that the future is open to change. Therefore, take your reading as a glimpse into a possible future rather than a strict outline of events that will definitely happen. Romani believe that living in the moment is very important for personal growth.
When You Should Get a Reading
The reasons for booking a session with a psychic vary greatly. Each of them is valid in its way, whether you are looking for romantic advice, some clarity about your job or family situation, or a detailed account of the events in which you are interested. Some of the most important reasons people turn to psychics for a read are:
- Feeling that they are stuck and not able to make changes in their lives
- Struggling with a current relationship or partner
- Fearing significant changes in their career or life
- Lacking in intimacy and love prospects
- Seeking concrete answers about upcoming events in the life
We find many other reasons that people seek guidance from psychics, but these are the most frequent ones and account for the vast majority of booking requests. Don’t feel discouraged if your reason for seeking help seems minor and unimportant. If it's important to you, that is sufficient. Each person has different needs and expectations from the session.
Please know that your psychic will not be able to respond to all of your questions during one session. Additionally, you might receive some advice and pointers on things that you may not understand at the time. Keep track of those clues and revisit your notes at a later date.
The Main Reasons to Book a Session with a Real-Life Romani "Gypsy" Psychic
In the first part of the article, we covered the origins and reasons for a strong spiritual connection that the Roma people feel with fortune-telling. Here, we will focus on the experience and advantages you will receive by booking a session with a real Roma psychic.
Receive a "Pure" Romani Reading
Most Roma psychics receive traditional training from older generations within their culture and have a strong distaste for the new, alternative methods some psychics use. So, forget about cleansing your chakras, meditation, yoga, or any other New Age approaches—these are not what a traditional Roma fortune-telling session is about. "Gypsy" reading follows a traditional method and delivers an accurate reading of your possible future to you, along with some comments and advice.
Roma Readings Tend to Be More Accurate
Although the fortune-telling market is full of mediums and psychics that are not Roma, the general public feels a distinct difference about the accuracy of the readings between the Romani Gypsy fortune-tellers and those of other cultural backgrounds. Whether you are looking for a reading about your career or your love life, the chances are that a Roma psychic will deliver a more accurate reading.
You Contribute to the Preservation of the Roma Culture and Spirituality
By booking an appointment with a Romani psychic, you show that you understand the importance of tradition when it comes to fortune-telling. Helping a Romani medium improve their business and reach more people is an excellent contribution to the practice's popularity. Romani women are often a target of discrimination and heavy competition from other mediums. Contributing to their bottom line helps preserve the traditional fortune-telling methods.
Get an Authentic Experience to Fulfill Your Spiritual Journey
Many people today are actively looking for spiritual guidance in life as a method to achieve true happiness and live a better life. Yes, that also includes being more mindful, taking care of your mental health, meditating, and many other things. Also, it means being open to new experiences and taking a risk on something you might not have considered before.
Getting a psychic reading is an excellent example of thinking outside of the box. An authentic traditional reading from a real Romani psychic offers a distinctive experience, deeply ingrained in the Roma's culture and traditions.
Authentic Roma Psychics Will Not Push Products on You
Most new-age psychics will use their sessions and your fortune-telling experience to upsell you either more of their services or miracle products, such as potions, lucky charms, etc.
Roma mediums have a different approach to that. They believe in the purity of the ritual and never try to push products and services on you.
If you're interested in learning more about your future, it might be time to look for a medium that can help you uncover the answers you're seeking. At, we believe that people deserve only the best mediums who will deliver accurate and reliable readings while providing sound advice and interpretation. Understanding one's future is a process that takes both an open mind and an expert's guidance.
We also have real Romani mediums who can provide an authentic "Gypsy"-style reading, well-known for its accuracy and traditional approach. If you would like to book a free reading with a psychic of your choice, please schedule your free reading here. You can explore the credentials of and testimonials for all of our mediums, helping you decide on the right one for you.
Let us help guide you into a better future.