Today I'm speaking with Shawn Stone, Psychich Medium, from
As a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Coach, he displays an amazing gift, not only can he clearly see future events, he also has the ability to channel Spirit and to pass on their messages.
That being said, Shawn - thanks so much for being with us today, let's get started!
Can you please introduce yourself to our audience?
Hello - My name is Shawn Stone i am a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Coach .
When Did You First Realize That You Were A Medium?
My first encounter with the spirit world occurred aged four. I felt the presence of a man in my bedroom , i later discovered it was my Grandfather who had passed to the spirit world shortly after i was born.
It was then my Irish grandmother said "oh Shawn has the Gift too" as a child i would read people auras and perform readings for friends and family.
I was given the name the messenger and my relatives in Ireland still call me this name to this day.
When did you know that it was your calling, and what inspired you to start your business?
Although i used my gifts throughout my childhood , it wasn't until i lost both my parents in the same year , that i had a spirit guide visit me and say "Shawn its not time for you to use your gifts on a deeper level now to help and heal people, "
Since that day everything just took off the demand for readings due to my accuracy intensified and i created a business around it , so people could contact me, book readings and follow my journey to inspire , encourage , enlighten and guide others.
What is the most popular type of reading with customers?
I enjoy preforming Mediumship readings , the joy and love that a client feels when i bring a loved one through from the spirit world is immense , this helps the client move forward and assists with their healing journey knowing that their loved one is at peace , using me as a channel to provide detailed evidence that soul energy never dies , its just goes onto to a different realm , a different vibration.
How have things changed for you during the pandemic, and how have you adjusted?
Yes , most clients now have video readings with me so face to face has not happened.
As long as i can see their auras i connect to their energy. I have been much busier during the Pandemic as people have needed reassurance, guidance and a guide to help them through and help them find clarity to move forward.
Are some readings more draining or demanding than others?
I wouldn't say draining or demanding , more intense .With a reading you never really know what and who is going to come forward, As i am connecting with the persons aura the psychic energy builds up and the information channeled can be quite life-changing for some people.
I like to wow people when they are having a reading, so they go away feeling satisfied , uplifted and reassured.
What do you love the most about what you do?
Being in service to spirit , to pass on messages i find most rewarding.
Any parting words of advice for our readers in these difficult times?
Try you best not to feed into the fear , limit time watching News channels .
Stay grounded and have gratitude for all that you have, as the world is resetting, take time out to discover what you really want in your life moving forward and what is most important to you.
Its OK to feel vulnerable some days - this is what makes us human.
Where can our readers go if they wish to learn more about you and your work?
My website my facebook page Shawn Stone psychic Medium also Instagram , Shawn Stone Psychic.