Today I'm speaking with Psychic Medium Joanne Gerber from http://joannegerber.com/
She is an Ordained Spiritualist Minister and an Internationally Recognized Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher! Needless to say, I'm quite excited about this interview!
Thanks for taking the time to be here with me today, Joanne! I'll get straight to the point with the questions!
When Did You First Realize That You Were A Medium?
I first realized I was a medium when I took a meditation and spiritual development class in 2000.
I was paired with a partner to to a psychic reading exercise and I brought through her boyfriend who had passed, unintentionally with great detail.
This was a big confirmation for me, as when I was younger I always felt and saw spirits around me, including imaginary friends but thought it was all my imagination.
When did you know that it was your calling, and what inspired you to start your business?
I was led to this calling by Spirit.
I went to see a psychic in Salem, MA because my dog was very ill, and I was told she was dying and I would have to put her down.
I didn't feel comfortable with this, and extremely difficult as it is to loose a pet, she was only 6-1/2 years old.
From my reading, I was led to take classes and then led by Spirit to a Spiritualist Church and people who could help me to understand and develop my gift of mediumship. I became a reader in a Salem shop, then opened my own business in 2003.
What is the most popular type of reading with customers?
My forte is evidential mediumship and psychic sessions. It's a bit of both, however, I might be accredited more for my evidential mediumship.
How have things changed for you during the pandemic, and how have you adjusted?
I always like to see the good in everything.
The pandemic has been positive for me in the sense that more people are reaching out for direction and connection during this difficult time.
I am also doing online events instead of in person, and all classes are now online which I find to be positive in the respect that I can reach people all over the world.
Are some readings more draining or demanding than others?
I find mediumistic sessions to be more energy consuming as opposed to psychic sessions. It requires more energy from the practitioner.
What do you love the most about what you do?
I love to help people find themselves and find happiness doing what they love.
I love the healing of the work that I do.It's very therapeutic for so many.
Any parting words of advice for our readers in these difficult times?
Always try to see the positive in all situations.
There is a lesson in everything that we experience in life that helps us to grow.
What you choose to focus your energy on is what will appear and manifest in your life. Choose wisely.