Today I have the great privilege of speaking with JoAnn Bruhn, a very passionate and experienced Psychic Medium and Spiritual Coach.
I'll cut straight to the chase and get started! JoAnn, thank you so much for taking time out of your schedule to chat with me today.
- Tell us about yourself, please!
I am a passionate Psychic Medium, a Spiritual Coach, and a Musician. (Pianist and composer) I reside in rural northwestern Wisconsin with my extraordinary soul-mate & husband.
By way of my intuitive skills and abilities within spirit communication, I offer to connect with you….heart to heart.A psychic reading with me can help you through life's moments when you have questions or have become a bit stuck and don't know which way to go.
A mediumship reading can facilitate beautiful messages from your loved ones.
Spiritual Coaching can result in profound change! Through my personally designed spiritual coaching program, we will find the best way for you to move forward into greater joy.
My abbreviated story:
In 1995 my precious youngest son Craig passed away at age 10. The fallout from this devastating event produced some very profound gifts.
Almost immediately, Craig made his presence very clear to me. He was able to touch me and impress his thoughts telepathically to me.
Long story short.... I became aware that I desired to develop my inherent psychic and mediumistic gifts.
I wanted to help bring help and comfort to others.
From the dark ashes of my pain arose a new life purpose.
I love what I do!
- When did you first realize you had unique abilities?
The awareness came to me shortly after my youngest son Craig passed away at age 10 in 1995.
- When did you know that it was your calling, and what inspired you to start your business?
Shortly after Craig transitioned he returned to me in spirit. He made it clear to me that he was to be my “personal trainer" for the spiritual arts.Sometime later I had my first ever session with a wonderful psychic. Her interpretive information blew me away!
Talk about a huge “aha” experience.... I left our session knowing that I wanted to do exactly what she could do.
Over these decades I've been training and practicing to develop my abilities of clear seeing, clear hearing and clear sensing/knowing. (Clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance and clairsentience. )
- What is the best part about being a psychic medium?
Honestly, if I can help to bring a measure of joy and peace to others, I’m very grateful. And if I can help another more deeply understand that we are Source Energy contained in bodies experiencing human contrast in order to expand our understanding as growth of soul, I am ecstatic!
- What is the hardest part about being a psychic medium?
During a psychic reading, it’s when people are expecting me to predict their futures and/or make personal decisions for them. In other words, tell them exactly how to live their lives. My role as a psychic is to help people reach their own answers through intuitive guidance. I consider myself a teacher of intuition…..the GPS for our best life choices.
During a mediumship reading, I am disappointed if I don’t get a clear connection and some good evidence.
- What is the most popular type of reading with customers?
In my business, the psychic readings are by far the most popular.
- How have things changed for you during the pandemic, and how have you adjusted?
Well, since I do every reading online or over the phone, nothing has really changed for my business.
- What do you love the most about what you do?
Pretty much the same answer as to your above question, “What is the best part about being a psychic medium?
- Any final words of wisdom or parting thoughts for our readers in these trying times?
My best answer is this: When you are troubled, sad, angry or frustrated, etc., always take some quiet time to breathe deeply for a few minutes and focus on happier thoughts.
Changing your feelings in this way will absolutely change your experience and things will become easier.
Editors Note: JoAnn, thank you SO much! To learn more about JoAnn, or schedule a reading with her, visit her at https://www.joannbruhn.com/