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June 7

Interview with Nancy “The Psychic” Feranec!

Nancy "The Psychic" Feranec
Today I have the great pleasure of chatting with Nancy “The Psychic” Feranec!
Nancy is a Psychic Medium with quite an interesting story, but I’ll let her share it with you!
Nancy, thank you so much for taking time away from your busy schedule to chat with me, let’s get started!

– Tell us about yourself, please!

Hi I’m an authentic psychic medium. I have a gift to of intuition which allows meet see the future and communicate with loved ones (Spirit) who have passed on. 

– When did you first realize you had unique abilities?

As a young child I learned to read people as they came around me, I could feel them. As I got older it got stronger.
I could read a room and not even know I was doing it. Honestly I thought everyone was like me. I had no idea I was any different until much later in life.

– When did you know that it was your calling, and what inspired you to start your business?

9 years ago I had a spiritual awakening. I heard tarot cards. Heard it. Bought them, opened them, started reading them. I read friends, family, neighbors. I was spot on over and over.
5 months later I left my banking career and stepped into my life as a psychic medium. I can honestly say I followed my own intuition, I felt it, I knew it. After having been a banker for a career, I know longer fit in that world, I just knew it. 

– What is the best part about being a psychic?

The healing it brings to people. The people I get to meet, Spirit coming to life around me and feeling their love for my client. The experiences that can’t be made up, I love everything about it.
It has allowed me to follow my dreams, my heart and that is never wrong. I’ve been given an enriched life due to the people I meet and the relationships that are mutually trusted and genuine.

– What is the most popular type of reading with customers?

In a psychic reading People searching for their purpose in this life. Wanting to know if they are on the right path. In a medium reading it’s wanting to know if their loved ones are okay on the other side.
Psychic used to be the most popular but the pandemic has shifted things towards medium readings being more common. I believe the trying times of the pandemic have people checking out the Spiritual life they live or how to find it.

– How have things changed for you during the pandemic, and how have you adjusted?

When the pandemic hit in March 2020 I had a very cool reading room in a professional office building. My calendar was booked out 6 months, with the majority of my readings in person. 
I began offering virtual readings immediately as an alternative to in person. Today I’m doing mostly virtual readings and booked out about 3 months. I’ve well to the change. I do miss the fun and hugs we all once shared. I just keep looking forward with love and light.

– What do you love the most about what you do?

I love everything about what I do. The best part I follow my heart always and judge no one which has given me amazing experiences that you just can’t make up.

– Any final words of wisdom or parting thoughts for our readers in these trying times?

So many lessons I’ve learned along the way. Here’s a few of my favorite thoughts and sayings. 
Follow your intuition it will never lead you wrong. A decision made out of fear is the wrong decision.
To heal others you must heal yourself first. Spirit is never wrong and the cards don’t lie

About the author 

Yasmin Cunha

Hi All, My Name is Yasmin Cunha, I was born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil but now live in New York City.   

I was Born a 3rd generation natural psychic and created Medium Finder with the sole purpose of giving you the most realistic, reliable & authentic psychic & medium experiences possible! 

You Can Read My Other Posts Here, or email me here.

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